
Geography experienced a major curricular crisis at the turn of the 20th century. Geographers had to reaffirm the usefulness and legitimacy of the knowledge taught in the discipline, which led to curricular renewals, changes in teaching practices and the emergence of new theories. We propose to discuss these challenges around three axes.

Axis 1 Curriculum challenges from yesterday to tomorrow

Geography teaching is secular. How has geography teaching evolved over time? How does the curriculum take into account current societal changes such as sustainable development, global change, risks, migrations etc.? What new lessons have been introduced?

What are the challenges of teaching geography in the future? How to train learners to face future societal challenges? What approaches?

Axis 2 The tools of geography: between tradition and renewal

In an information and knowledge society, how can we train students to be able to process information, reason and express a personal point of view?  How can they be trained in GIS, image and map analysis? These issues related to citizenship education have evolved over time. How has the teaching of geography adapted to the objectives of citizenship education?

Axis 3 Teacher training: new challenges

New theories have accompanied these changes such as Geocapabilities, experiential geography etc. How do these theories accompany the changes in teacher training? What are their contributions and limitations?

What are the contents to be proposed in training? What are the challenges to be met? How to train at a distance? How can teachers be equipped to master new technologies? How can we develop inclusive training ?


Submit a abstract :

Abstract can be sent in differents forms:

  • abstracts, which must fit into at least one of the proposed axes;
  • symposium or sessions including a general presentation of the theme of the session (1000 characters maximum) and at least three speakers and one discussant. The proposal includes a title and a summary of each speaker of 3000 characters maximum each.
  • posters

Abstracts  should not exceed 6000 characters (spaces included) for individual abstract and sould include : 

  • The name, position, institutional affiliation and e-mail address of the author(s) must appear at the top of the paper.
  • The title should be concise and meaningful.
  • Include 5 key words.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12.
  • Word or PDF format.
  • Indicate the axis (or axes) chosen and the type of presentation (paper or symposium).
  • Langage : french or english

The template is available here.

Abstract has be uploaded in this platform before : February 15, 2022. Create an account here.

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